Advocates of abortion often refer to the decision to have an abortion as a "difficult choice."
Why is it a difficult choice? The reason is very simple and obvious. We all know that the unborn child is a person growing inside the mother's womb.
So, of course, it is "difficult". Choosing to terminate the life of another human being is a "difficult choice". If the unborn child was not a person, what would be so difficult obout choosing to end his or her life?
Is killing a cancer growing inside your body a "difficult choice"? Of course not.
Dehumanizing the child is a vital strategy used by pro-abortionists to disguise the "difficult choice" that is being made. The baby is made to appear like the invading "blob of tissue" -- like a cancerous growth.
Why do we allow such deceit and victimization of the pre-born? Can you find a more innocent or vulnerable human being than a precious baby boy or girl inside his/her mother's womb?