Bears for Life
Baylor University’s Student Pro-Life Group
Pregnant and Parenting
Student Scholarship Fund
Bears for Life is a student group at Baylor University that empowers students to choose life.
Bears for Life is excited to announce The Pregnant and Parenting Student Scholarship Fund to support undergraduate students who choose life.
To support the Bears for Life Pregnant and Parenting Student Scholarship Fund make your check out to:
“Bears for Life”
with notation: “Pregnant and Parenting Student Scholarship Fund”
Mail to:
Bears for Life
One Bear Place #85537
Waco, TX 76798
You can also donate directly to their Venmo account, “Bears for Life.”
The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage women in college to choose life for their children, and to introduce them to all of the resources available as pregnant and parenting students.
Applicants can receive up to $1000 paid directly to their student account, as well as assistance in utilizing the resources necessary to continue both their education and pregnancy.
Last year, Bears for Life was blessed to serve four parents by helping with medical bills, daycare fees, health insurance, nursery supplies, gas, and groceries. Unfortunately, this emptied their fund going into the coming fall semester.
Crisis pregnancies can occur at any time for a myriad of factors, and Bears for Life needs help to support these peers. Their goal is $7,000. This would allow them to support a crisis student contemplating abortion and provide necessary baby supplies to a couple more students.
Thank you so much for your generosity.