“As a bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so shall your God rejoice in you.”
Today’s first reading from Isaiah shows us how much God delights in human life. He rejoices in us as in a bride. He gives himself to us as a bridegroom is called to do for his beloved. He protects and defends us, and leads us to the life that never ends. His commitment to humanity is the source of ours. Like him, we are to give ourselves for the good of others, starting with the most vulnerable lives – children at the very beginning of their development in the womb.
This week marks the completion of 40 years since the killing of those children by abortion was legalized in America throughout all nine months of pregnancy. This remains the single most destructive and barbaric public policy in our nation, and hundreds of thousands of Americans will march this week in Washington, in San Francisco, and in many other cities calling for a change.