Bishop Joe S. Vásquez, bishop of the Diocese of Austin, has released a decree permitting the public celebration of Masses. Bishop Vásquez also released a letter to the faithful with the decree.
Even though public Masses and sacraments are returning we still must meet certain precautionary protocols established by the diocese:
Maximum number of people who can attend a Mass: 25% of the maximum capacity of the church building; 10 persons for weekdays in the chapel and 100 persons for Saturdays and Sundays in the main church.
Cloth Face Coverings (masks): All persons attending Mass or celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation are asked to wear a face mask.
Six foot distancing: Please maintain 6 foot social distancing between persons at all times, except between members of the same family or household. Every other pew in the church will be closed off and persons not of the same household will be asked to sit six feet away from each other.
Offertory: There will be no collection. Please place your offering in the collection boxes at the entrances to the church.
You are asked to receive communion in the hand. Please hold out your hands flat and still. The minister will place the Eucharist in your hands without touching you, You may choose to say "Amen" silently.
The following at risk parishioners are encouraged to not attend Mass at this time and to remain at home: (i) those who are sick; (ii) those who are 65 or older; (iii) those who have been advised by health care workers or caregivers to not attend Mass; (iv) those who sincerely believe that attending Mass will jeopardize their health or the health of a person with whom they reside; and (v) those who sincerely believe that because of the limitations imposed by these protocols attending Mass is not reasonable.
For at risk populations to not attend Mass will continue. If we are already at capacity when you arrive for Mass and you are unable to attend Mass, please be assured that you are dispensed by the bishop from the Sunday obligation.
The schedule for Masses and Sacrament of Reconciliation at Saint Mary’s is as follows:
Tuesdays: 7:30 am Mass
Wednesdays: 5:15 pm Mass (livestreamed)
Thursdays: 7:30 am Mass
Fridays: 5:15 pm Mass (livestreamed)
Saturdays: 5:15 pm Vigil Mass
Sundays: 8:00 am Mass (livestreamed; no music)
Sundays: 10:30 am Mass
Monday: 5:15 pm Communion Service
For the benefit of those parishioners who cannot attend Mass, three Masses a week will be live streamed on the parish Facebook page: Wednesday and Friday evenings at 5:15 pm and Sunday morning at 8:00 am.
4:00 pm on Saturdays and on 2nd Fridays of the month; the sacrament will be celebrated in the chapel.