The Men’s Club will have their monthly breakfast after the 8:00 a.m. Mass this weekend in the Parish Hall. Support the Men’s Club and enjoy a delicious breakfast at the same time.
We are in the process of enrolling students for the fall Religious EducationProgram. If you did not receive a letter and registrations forms, please call the church office. If you have not signed up your children yet, please do so by the end of July.
We still need volunteers for our Religious Education Program for this Fall. We need teachers and teacher’s aids. Please call the church office or contact Fr. Joe. There will be a meeting for all Religious Education Teachers and Teacher’s Aides on Tuesday, August 6, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. If you will be able to help as either an aide or teacher, please attend this meeting. For any questions, please call the Church Office.
The Knights of Columbus of Bellmead will be having a Festival on Sunday, August 4th at Geneva Hall. Fried Chicken and sausage lunch with all the trimmings will be served from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Auctions, fun for the kids and other activities. Everyone is invited to attend.
The Parish Council will meet at 12 noon on Sunday, August 4th in the Conference Room.