A Suggestion Box, not a complaint box, is located in the foyer of the church. It is hanging on the rack next to the Vestry. If you have a suggestion for the betterment of St. Mary’s Parish, please let us know.
This is the last weekend to place your Easter Lilies order in honor of or memory of a loved one. Please return the orders to the church office by April 15th.
Please remember to contribute each day to your Ashes to Easter annual Lenten boxes. Return on Easter Sunday. Money collected will help local missionaries and missionary projects from our diocese.
The Women’s Guild will meet at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday in the Parish Hall.
The Parish Festival is only two weeks away, on April 27th at Geneva Hall. We are still in need of auction items (for both the live and silent auctions), Bingo prizes, items for the country store as well as desserts for the meal. For additional information, please call the church office.
Don’t forget to pick up your raffle tickets after Mass in the foyer of the church.
Please remember to take home this week’s bulletin – the schedule for HolyWeek is included.
The schedule for Holy Week is also on the parish website.
The first day of the Divine Mercy Novena is on Holy Friday, copies of the Novena are at each entry of the church.
A Special Collection will be taken up at all the services on Good Friday for the Holy Land. Please be as generous as you can.
The Ladies of Charity Annual Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick will be at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, April 21st. Refreshments will be served after the Mass in the Parish Hall.
Confessions on Saturday, April 26th will be from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. in anticipation of Divine Mercy Sunday.
Reminder: There will not be any Religious Education Classes on April 20th or 27th.
The next class will be on May 4 and we will have the May Crowning during the class time on that day. The children and parents are all asked to bring long-stemmed fresh flowers for Mary.