A Pro-Life Rosary will be prayed following the 10:30 AM Mass this Sunday.
Pro-Life Waco will host its monthly meal and meetiong this Sunday, December 14th at 12 Noon in the Parish Hall. An Italian pasta meal will be served. For more information call John Pisciotta.
Food for parish families: During the month of December the food items collected in the box in the foyer of the church will be used within our parish. Please be as generous as you can in donations of nonperishable items. All items for the Christmas boxes need to be brought to the office by December 18th. For more information call the church office.
The Women’s Guild will meet for a no-host Christmas luncheon at Olive Garden at 11 am on Tuesday, December 16th. Please call Dorothy Maggard to make reservations.
7th & 8th grade Religious Education students are selling Christmas Angels in honor or memory of loved ones. These angels will be displayed on trees at the altar during the Christmas season.
St. Mary’s Men’s Club is taking orders for Christmas poinsettias. The cost is $10 per plant. Envelopes are in the media centers at the entrances to the church.
Advent devotion and meditation booklets are still available at the entrances to the church.
2015 calendars are also available at the entrances to the church.