If your family is in need of a Basket of food for Thanksgiving, or you know of a parish family that is in need, please call the church office.
St. John's Catholic Church will have a Turkey Bingo on Saturday, Nov. 14th from 3 to 5 pm, sponsored by the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Court 385. Everyone is invited to attend.
The Women's Bible Study will be on Wednesday, Nov. 11th at 9:30 am in the Conference Room.
The monthly Pot Luck Supper will be this Thursday beginning at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall.
It's only about 5 weeks away! What is? Christmas is! We are looking forward to Christmas Masses. Once again the children have been asked to do a presentation before the Christmas Vigil Mass on Dec. 24th at 6 pm. If your children are interested in being in the presentation and your family is going to be in town Christmas Eve, please pick up a form by the Missalettes, fill it out and return it by Sunday, Nov. 22nd. We will meet after the 10:30 am Mass on Nov. 22nd.
A representative from Trinity Publishing Company will be in our office this week soliciting advertising for the bulletin. It is through the generosity of the advertisers that there is no cost to the parish for the bulletin. Please consider placing an ad on the back of our bulletin – just call the church office.