The Women’s Bible Study Group will meet on Wednesday, November 9th at 9:30 a.m. in the Conference Room.
The monthly Pot Luck Supper will be this Thursday beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Everyone is invited to attend.
We will have a
Special Collection for those affected by Hurricane Matthew next weekend. Please be as generous as you can.
The Representative from Trinity Publications will be in our office this coming week for bulletin advertising for 2017. Please consider placing an ad in the bulletin for your business or in memory of a loved one. Because of the advertisers the parish does not have to pay for the printing of the bulletin.
We are in need of nonperishable food items to fill
Thanksgiving baskets as well as HEB or Walmart gift cards for meat or perishable items. Please put food items in the box in the foyer of the church. Gift cards can be put in the collection baskets or given to Fr. Joe. Food items and gift cards are needed by November 21, so we can fill the baskets.