St. Mary’s Gift Shop and Book Store will be open from 9:00 to 10:15 A.M. on Sunday, December 10th. All books, except Bibles and Catechisms, are discounted 15% during December.
The Men’s Club is taking orders for Christmas poinsettias for $10 each. Envelopes are in the media centers at all entrances to the Church. The deadline for poinsettia orders is Monday, December 18.
The Annual Angel Tree is in the foyer of the Church. Please help with gifts for the children of our Parish or for the Family Abuse Center. Gifts for the Angel Tree need to be in the Church Office by Friday, December 15.
The Fifth Encounter Group invites you to join them after the 10:30 A.M. Mass for a Rosary at the Grotto followed by refreshments.
There will not be a Second Sunday Pro-Life Gathering this Sunday, December 10.
The Women’s Guild Dutch Christmas Luncheon will be on Tuesday, December 12th at 11:00 A.M. at Cheddar’s. Please bring 2 or 3 canned goods for the needy of our Parish.
The Women’s Bible Study Group meets on Wednesday, December 13th at 9:30 A.M. in the Conference Room.
St. Mary’s Gift Shop and Book Store will be open from 6:00 to 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, December 13th. All books, except Bibles and Catechisms, are discounted 15% during December.
The Parish Pot Luck Supper will be on Thursday, December 14th at 6:30 P.M. in the Parish Hall. We would love to see everyone there.
Items for the Fourth Sunday of Advent & Christmas Bulletin – the weekend of December 25 – need to be in the Church Office by Thursday, December 14.
Attention all High School Students – Friday, December 15th is the deadline for applications for the 60th Annual Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference. There is no cost to the student or family. This is a fantastic opportunity for all high school students.
Items for the Feast of the Holy Family & Solemnity of Mary Bulletin – the weekend of December 31 – need to be in the Church Office by Friday, December 15.
Christmas Caroling will be Friday, December 15 from 4-5:30 P.M. on the sidewalk of the new Planned Parenthood at 700 W Hwy 6.