Today we will be taking up a Special Collection to help the thousands of people in the Austin Diocese that lost everything because of the recent wildfires in Central Texas. These gifts will be distributed through Catholic Charities of Central Texas. Please be as generous as you can.
St. Mary’s Men’s Club is serving their delicious breakfast of pancakes, bacon and sausage after the 8:00 a.m. Mass this Sunday.
Each week for the next several weeks, we are presenting a series of informational materials on the New Roman Missal as inserts to the bulletin. Please take time to read each one carefully.
Baby Banks are here! Pick up your baby bank after Mass this Sunday! The Baby Bank Campaign takes place during October, Respect Life Month, to raise awareness for Pro-Life apostolates such as the Gabriel Project and Project Rachel.
St. Mary’s Women’s Guild is collecting annual dues this weekend after each Mass. Annual dues are $7.00. Please see one of the guild members after Mass. All women of the parish are encouraged to be members.
St. Mary’s Women’s Guild will meet in the Chapel of the Church on Tuesday, Sept. 27 for Mass followed by brunch and a meeting in the Parish Hall. All women of the parish are invited to attend.
Primetimers – the deadline to sign up for the musical “Thoroughly Modern Millie” has been extended to Sept. 27. Details are in the bulletin.