The Men's Club Breakfast will be this Sunday, January 22 after the 8:00 a.m. Mass in the Parish Hall.
Baptismal Preparation Class will be this Thursday, January 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room. Call the church office to register.
St. Mary's Anuual Festival will be on Aprial 22, 2012 at Geneva Hall. The Raffle is one of the largest fund raisers of the Festival. Raffle tickets are now available in the foyer of the church. Please pick yours up today and begin to sell to everyone you know. You can also purchase tickets in the foyer beginning today. Please help make the Festival of 2012 a huge success.
Poinsettias: If you donated a poinsttia for the altar for Christmas, they are in the back room, by the chapel, if you want to take yours home. They will be discarded after this weekend.
The Parish Directories will be distributed after each Mass this weekend in the foyer of the church. If you had your photo taken for the Directory you will be receiving a directory.
Recognition of the Pastoral Council:
Michael Tusa: Presidnt and Men's club and Maintenance Committee Representative
Michael Devault: Vice President and Representative-at-Large (term is ending)
Betty Ross Cook: Recorder
Edward Brem: Finance Council Chairman
Jsne McBride: Women's Guild Representative
Phil Bukowski: Youth Director
Terri Bukowski: Director of Religious Education
Phalan Bukowski: Youth Representative
Mary Brown: Liturgy and Music Representative
Elizabeth Sherry; Representative-at-Large
Fred Dulock: Representative-at-Large
Cecilia Soukup: newly elected Representative-at-Large