Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) class meets on Wednesday, September 2 at 6:30 P.M. in the Conference Room.
First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is Friday, September 4 in the Chapel from 8 to 5. Spend some quality time with our Lord.
Sacrament of Reconciliation will be Saturday, September 5 from 4 to 5.
Monday, September 7 is Labor Day. The Church Office and Gift Shop will be closed in observance of the holiday.
This weekend is Catholic Charities Weekend in our Diocese. Catholic Charities of Central Texas is the social service arm of our Church, working on behalf of the faithful to eliminate poverty in Central Texas. This year has brought many challenges, and Catholic Charities’ six programs have continued to serve individuals and families impacted by COVID-19, as well as our neighbors seeking help with parenting, immigration, mental health, and housing stability. Catholic Charities serves anyone in need, regardless of that person’s faith background. If you or someone you know needs help, or if you want to get involved, visit our parish bulletin or website. Please keep the clients, staff, volunteers, and supporters of Catholic Charities in your prayers. Please take home a Catholic Charities prayer card located at each of the Church entrances.
In the past few weeks, there have been two bulletin inserts announcing a nationwide referendum entitled “Walking with Moms in Need.” We have received beautiful prayer cards showing a pregnant Blessed Virgin Mary on the front with a special Prayer for Pregnant Mothers on the reverse. Please take home a prayer card located at each of the Church entrances.
The September edition of The Word Among Us is located at each of the Church entrances – 1 per family.
Get your Raffle Tickets to buy and sell after all weekend Masses and at the Parish Office. The raffle drawing will be on Sunday, September 27 after the 10:30 Mass.
If you want a copy of the 150th Anniversary Memory Book (1 per family), they are available in the Church Office. If you need a copy mailed to you, the cost is $5.