.Religious Education for Children, Confirmation classes, and Children’s Liturgy of the Word will not meet this weekend. Religious Education for Adults will meet this weekend in the Annex Meeting Room from 9:15 to 10:15.
The Pro-Life Rosary will be immediately after the 10:30 Mass. The Second Sunday Pro-Life Gathering will begin with lunch at 12 noon in the parish hall followed by a meeting at 1.
The Women’s Guild meets at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, March 16 in the parish hall. Lunch follows the meeting. All women of the parish are encouraged to attend.
Liturgy Committee meets at 6:30 on Tuesday, March 16 in the Annex Meeting Room.
RCIA will meet on Wednesday, March 17 at 6:30 in the Annex Meeting Room.
Mary’s Men will meet at 6:30 on Thursday, March 18 in the Annex Meeting Room. This week’s topic is The Cornerstone.
Baptismal Preparation for parents and godparents will be at 6:30 on Thursday, March 18 in the Conference Room. Please contact the church office to register for this class.
The Knights of Columbus Fish Fry is Friday, March 19 from 5 to 8 at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Sanger Avenue. The cost is $9. The Women’s Guild will sell desserts for $1.
Raffle tickets are on sale after all masses and at the church office. Please help support our parish by buying and selling raffle tickets. $1 per ticket or 6 tickets for $5.
Ashes to Easter Boxes are at all church entrances. Please take one home and put in some spare change. Remember to add a few coins to your Baby Banks. Please return Baby Banks on Palm Sunday weekend.
If you are a graduating high school senior, please contact the church office. Scholarships are available for graduating high school seniors. Scholarship applications are at the front entrances to the church and in the church office. There are deadlines for returning the completed applications.
Envelopes for ordering Easter lilies are at all church entrances. Each plant costs $10. Please return the envelopes by Palm Sunday, March 28.
Please bring individually wrapped candy for the Easter Egg Hunt.