Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
World Mission Sunday
Religious Education Pre-K through 8th grade and Confirmation Class year 1 meet in Assumption House from 9:15 to 10:15. Confirmation Class year 2 meets in the upstairs Annex from 9:15 to 10:15. Adult Formation meets from 9:15 to 10:15 in the Annex Meeting Room.
RCIY meets after the 10:30 Mass in Assumption House.
Please join the St. Louis Columbiettes of Waco as they pray the Rosary for 40 Days for Life on Sunday, October 23, at 1 p.m. at Planned Parenthood.
The Festival Committee meets at 6 p.m. in the Annex Meeting Room on Monday, October 24.
The Madonna Group will meet in the Parish Hall at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 25.
Women’s Bible Study meets at 9:30 in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, October 26.
During October, there are interactive bulletin boards, one at each entrance to the church. Please bring a small, baby-related item to place on one of these boards to focus attention on Respect Life Month and Walking with Moms in Need. Also, the diaper and formula drives continue for the entire month of October. Any size or brand of diapers is appreciated. Formula preferences are Similac 360 Total Care, Advanced and Sensitive, and Sam’s Members Mark. Diapers and formula may be placed in the food collection box at the main entrance of the church or brought to the church office. Thank you for your generous support.
Please remember to put coins in your Baby Banks. If you have not picked up a Baby Bank, they are at all church entrances. They should be returned by the first weekend of November.
The 40 Days for Life Fall 2022 Prayer Campaign is ongoing until Sunday, November 6. You can still sign up to pray one-hour prayer shifts for 40 Days for Life. See the bulletin for more information on the campaign.
The Angel Tree ministry supports Christmas gifts for parishioner children and the Waco Family Abuse Center. Barbara Wiedman would like to show someone who can participate in this vital ministry as she may need to step down from this position.
There are several upcoming events in our community. See the bulletin for more information about these events.
We are so glad you attended Mass with us. We hope to see you again next week to share in our faith community and Eucharistic celebration; bring a friend with you.