Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Religious Education for Children, Confirmation classes, Religious Education for Adults, and RCIY will not meet this weekend.
The Church Office and Gift Shop will be closed on Monday, January 2.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be Friday, January 6 from 8 to 5 in the Chapel.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Religious Education for Children including RCIY, and Confirmation Classes will resume next Sunday. Religious Education for Adults will not meet on Sunday, January 8.
Volunteers are needed to take down the Christmas decorations in the Church next Sunday. Lunch will be provided after the 10:30 Mass in Assumption House. Taking down the decorations will be after lunch.
Please remember to bring donations of baby diapers and formula again next weekend as we continue our essential initiative for Respect Life and Walking with Moms in Need. Items will be shared between the Gabriel Project and CareNet.
Pro-Life Rosary will be after the 10:30 Mass on Sunday, January 8. The Pro-Life Second Sunday Gathering will begin at noon in the Parish Hall on Sunday, January 8. The speaker will be Claire Culwell.
The Epic Research Study Focus Group meeting will be next Sunday at 3:30 in the Parish Hall.
The Columbiettes of Waco invites you to attend the Free Live performance of Tolton: From Slave to Priest at Sacred Heart on Tuesday, January 17 at 7 p.m.
You are invited to join thousands of Catholics nationwide in prayer for the respect of human life during a special novena called 9 Days for Life. Visit to sign up to receive daily intentions from January 19th through the 27th. You can subscribe to the 9-Day prayer guide from St. Mary’s website under the Extra News tab. There are also printed copies of the prayer guide at all church entrances. If you or you know someone who does not have computer access or cannot attend Mass, please get in touch with the church office.
We are so glad you attended Mass with us. We hope to see you again next week to share in our faith community and Eucharistic celebration; bring a friend with you.