Rosary for Life will be each Wednesday through the summer at 9:00 A.M. at Planned Parenthood Waco at 700 W. Highway 6.
An Ethics and Integrity in Ministry Workshop will be held at St. Mary’s in the Parish Hall on Saturday, August 11 from 10 A.M. to 12 Noon. Please see the bulletin for more information.
Registration packets for CCD for those who have been in the program are being mailed out. They need to be returned to the Church Office by Tuesday, August 14. If you are new to the Parish, please contact the Church Office. Teachers and aides are needed. Please see the bulletin for more information.
Please give serious consideration to participate in the many organizations and volunteer opportunities within our Parish. It is a wonderful way of expressing our Faith with our brothers and sisters within and throughout the community. See the bulletin for more information.
With the temperatures so hot outside, now is a good time to stay inside and clean out your closets and cabinets for items to donate to the Annual Parish Garage Sale which will be on October 26 & 27 in the Parish Hall. See the bulletin for more information.