This weekend the Religious Education for Adults program will start a new series by Bishop Robert Barron called Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Lively Virtues. Please join us in the Annex Meeting Room between 9:15 and 10: 15 on Sunday mornings.
Holy Cross Crucifix Dedication Ceremony honoring the memory of Msgr. Mark Deering is this Sunday at 2 P.M. The crucifix is near the front entrance on 5th Street & LaSalle.
If you forgot your Baby Banks this weekend, please bring them to the Church office or to Mass next weekend.
Attention all 6th to 8th Grade Students and Their Parents: You are invited to spend the morning on Tuesday, November 6 at Reicher Catholic High School. Additional information is on the card at each Church entrance.
The Parish Pot Luck Supper is this Thursday, November 8 at 6:30 P.M. in the Parish Hall. Bring a dish to share and enjoy great food and fellowship.
Thanksgiving Baskets – Please be as generous as possible in your donations of nonperishable items to the box in the foyer and gift cards for fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs and milk to benefit our Parish families in need.
Pro-Life Second Sunday Gathering will be Sunday, November 11 at 12 noon in the Parish Hall.