The Divine Mercy Chaplet is this Sunday at 3:00 P.M. Mass follows the Chaplet.
Women’s Bible Study Group will meet at 9:30 A.M. in the Conference Room on Wednesday, May 1.
First Friday Adoration will be Friday, May 3 in the Chapel from 8-5.
Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 12. Mother’s Day Mass request cards are at all Church entrances. Mother’s Day Mass request cards are due in the Church Office by Thursday, May 9.
Go & Make Disciples: A Leadership Series for the New Evangelization’s first series session on Saturday, May 11 in Pflugerville costs $45, not $5 as stated in the bulletin.
Get your Spring Festival Raffle tickets before and after all Masses in the foyer of the Church. The Festival is on Sunday, May 19th.