July 28, 2019 -- Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
CCD packets have been mailed out. Please return them to the office as soon as possible. If you are new to the parish with school-aged children, or you have a first-time school aged child in Pre-K through high school, please call the office for a CCD packet, and we will mail it to you.
Beginning Thursday, August 1, the Church Office and Gift Shop will close at 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.
First Friday Adoration will be in the Chapel from 8 to 5 on Friday, August 2.
Parish Council will meet at 12 noon on Sunday, August 4 in the Conference Room.
Please bring aluminum can tabs and place them in the wooden box in the foyer of the church or take them to the office. The money from the tabs benefits the Ronald McDonald House in Temple.