August 4, 2019 -- Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Council will meet at 12 noon this Sunday in the Conference Room.
Monthly Parish Pot-Luck Supper will be on Thursday, August 8 at 6:30 P.M. in the Parish Hall. Bring a dish to share and enjoy great food and fellowship.
Ethics in Ministry (EIM) Workshop will be Saturday, August 10 from 10-12 noon in the Parish Hall. If you are a volunteer in any church ministry, or if you are planning on being a volunteer, you must complete the workshop. Please see the information about registering in the bulletin.
The Pro-Life Rosary will be in the Chapel after the 10:30 Mass next Sunday, August 11. The Second Sunday Pro-Life Gathering will follow the Rosary beginning at 12 noon with lunch in the Parish Hall followed at 1:00 P.M. by a meeting.
CCD packets have been mailed out. Please return them to the office as soon as possible. If you are new to the parish with school-aged children, or you have a first-time school aged child in Pre-K through high school, please call the office for a CCD packet, and we will mail it to you.