The Parish Festival is about a month away. We are in dire need of cash donations for gift cards and items for the auctions and booths. It’s spring cleaning time – donate that extra stuff for the Parish Festival White Elephant Booth (no clothes please). Don’t forget to pick up your raffle tickets after Mass.
Envelopes for ordering Easter Lilies are at all entrances of the Church. Return envelopes to the Church Office or in the collection basket by March 26.
Ashes to Easter boxes are due by Easter. Please remember to drop a few coins in your box each day and bring the box to Church or the Office.
We need your help getting plastic Easter eggs and candy for the Easter egg hunt after the 10:30 a.m. Mass on Easter Sunday. Contact the Office for more information.
The Women’s Guild will meet on Tuesday, March 20 at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall followed by lunch. All women of the Church are invited to attend.
The Liturgy Meeting will be Tuesday, March 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Annex Meeting room.
Make plans to attend the Healing Mass on Wednesday, April 4 at 10:00 a.m. followed by lunch at the Parish Hall.
Two Knights of Columbus’ scholarship application forms for graduating Catholic seniors are in the Church foyer or in the Church Office. The deadline to apply is Friday, April 13.
Noted Catholic author and speaker -- Patrick Madrid -- will be the guest speaker for the RED-C Catholic Radio Benefit Dinner on Thursday, April 19, at 6:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart. See the bulletin or the call the Church Office for additional details.