October 27, 2019 -- Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The movie Unplanned will be shown immediately after the 5:15 Mass this Saturday. Everyone is urged to attend.
There will not be Religious Education for Adults this Sunday.
The Annual Back 2 School Picnic is this Sunday after the 10:30 Mass on the grounds of the Parish Hall. There will be hamburgers and games. All parishioners are invited to attend.
Please consider placing an ad or being a sponsor for our weekly bulletin. The bulletin is at no cost to the parish because of the generosity and support of our sponsors. A representative from Diocesan, the publisher of the bulletin, will be in the Parish Office from Monday, October 28 to Friday, November 1. Please contact the Church Office for more information. Please support our bulletin sponsors.
All Souls’ Day Remembrance envelopes are at all Church entrances. Please return them to the Church office by Wednesday, October 30.
Please see this weekend’s bulletin and the parish website for All Saints’ Day Masses, a Holy Day of Obligation, and the All Souls’ Day Mass, rosary and blessing of the graves at Holy Cross and Oakwood Cemeteries.
The Annual Women’s Guild Garage Sale will be November 1st and 2nd in the Parish Hall. See the bulletin insert for more information. There is a preview sale for parishioners from 4-6 p.m. on Thursday, October 31.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be Friday, November 1 from 8 to 5 in the Chapel.
October is Respect Life Month – Please continue to put some coins in your Baby Banks. Please return the Baby Banks by the first weekend of November.
Thanksgiving Baskets – If your family or if you know of a parishioner’s family that needs food for Thanksgiving, please call the Church office as soon as possible.
The November issue of The Word Among Us is at all Church entrances.