Please take a bulletin home this weekend. The yellow insert has important changes concerning the guidelines for scheduling mass intentions. Please keep this insert for future reference. Mass intentions must be in writing. There are Mass Intentions request forms at each entrance to the Church.
Pro-Life Rosary will be immediately after the 10:30 Mass. The Pro-Life Second Sunday Gathering will begin at 12 noon in the Parish Hall. The meeting follows the meal.
The Church Office and Gift Shop will be closed on Monday in observance of Veterans Day. There will be a Mass on Veterans Day at 5:15 P.M. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will follow immediately after Mass.
Festival Committee Meeting will be at 6:00 P.M. in the Annex Meeting Room on Tuesday, November 12. Everyone interested in helping with the festival is encouraged to attend.
The Parish Monthly Pot-Luck Supper will be on Thursday, November 14 at 6:30 in the Parish Hall. Everyone is invited to share in fine fellowship.
Join the Fifth Encounter Group in praying the Rosary next Sunday at 10 a.m. at the Grotto.
There is a mandatory training for all Eucharistic Ministers and lectors and for anyone who wishes to serve in either one of these important ministries on Saturday, November 16 at 10:00 A.M. in the Church.
Getting Through the Holidays – A grief workshop to learn ways to cope with grief during the holidays for adults and school-aged children will be Sunday, November 17 from 2 to 3:30 at Providence Hospice located at 6700 Sanger.
Thanksgiving Baskets – If your family or if you know of a parishioner’s family that needs food for Thanksgiving, please call the Church office as soon as possible