During this Year of the Domestic Church, we are reminded of the sacrifices and prayer that we offer for our families. Each member in a household has a unique role that contributes to the household and requires sacrifice. Often, we pray for members of our family during challenging times, or offer prayers of gratitude for each other when things go well, but does your family pray together?
As we enter the Lenten season and consider what personal sacrifice that we would like to “give up,” consider a way in which you can add, or increase prayer in the life of your family. Does your household pray together? Parents, do you pray with your spouse and set an example of prayer for your family? Does your family attend Mass together? Do you pray together daily or share prayer traditions? Maybe you don’t pray together and would like to start. Wherever you are in your prayer life, consider increasing the time that you spend together with the Lord. As we grow in relationship with him in our own families, or domestic Church, God’s family, the Church, grows together.
This month we experience the season of Lent, a time in which we, like Christ, will spend 40 days in the desert for a time of prayer and sacrifice. Our prayers and sacrifices help us grow in relationship with Christ. They unite us more closely to him as we journey with him to the cross and celebrate his resurrection at Easter.