These young members of our parish help the priest and the deacons during Mass and actively participate during the Mass. They are a valuable part of our parish community and add to the celebration of the Mass.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion perform an extremely important function in the celebration of the Eucharist here at St. Mary’s. There is no greater service that each of us can do throughout our week than service to our God and to each other.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must be in full communion with the Catholic Church - in other words, they have received all of the sacraments of initiation and are practicing Catholics. Their marriage must be recognized as valid by the Catholic Church. They are trained by the parish staff and are commissioned by the Diocese. Along with the privilege of distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass they also can take communion to parishioners in nursing homes and to the sick.
There is an on-going need for volunteers to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
If you would like to volunteer to help with these ministries please contact the Church Office at
(254) 753-0146 or email David Swinson, III.
Guidelines for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Notes on Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Lectors dedicate their time by preparing to present the Word of God to the congregation and prayerfully work to present the readings for all to understand.
Lectors must be in full communion with the Catholic Church, - in other words, they have received all of the sacraments of initiation and are practicing Catholics. Their marriage must be recognized as valid by the Catholic Church. They are trained by the parish staff and installed by the Diocese. Lectors are responsible for practicing and understanding the difficult words and phrases. Lectors are responsible for getting their own substitutes when necessary and they are also asked to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of Mass.
There is an on-going need for volunteers to serve as Lectors. If you would like to volunteer to help with these ministries please contact the Church Office at (254) 753-0146 or email David Swinson, III.
The Liturgy Committee plans and coordinates the liturgy for masses and special occasions. The members of the committee work with the pastor and others responsible for liturgical activities.
Rosary Leaders lead the congregation in praying the rosary prior to the 5:15 Mass on Saturdays and 8:00 Mass on Sunday mornings.
These men and women are responsible for greeting the people as they enter the church. They hand out the missalettes and aid in finding seats for church attendees. They also take up the collections at all masses and make sure materials are ready for each mass. After mass they stay to help maintain the church by making sure the pews are cleared and neat and ready for the next service.
Requirements are as follows: Wear proper church attire, arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of Mass and allow 10 minutes after Mass to help maintain the church (making sure pews are cleared and neat) and last, be available for Mass when time to serve.
Contact the church office, (254) 753-0146, if you are available to serve as an usher.