Go to www.austindiocese.org and click the "Donate" button.
Next, click on the “Catholic Services Appeal” box. You will be taken to a page where you can indicate your gift amount, the time frame you would like (monthly or one time), the starting date (cannot be same day), and the length of your payment plan.
Scroll to the bottom of this page. Here, you will choose whether you would like to give via direct debit (electronic fund transfer directly from your bank) or via debit/credit card. After choosing your preference, click the “Continue” button.
You will then be taken to a second page where you will fill in all necessary information, from credit card or bank account #s to your parish name. On the right, you will see the breakdown of your gift payment plan. If you would like to create a password-protected profile to return and view your pledge information online, you can also do so here. Otherwise, click “process” and the pledge will be recorded. You will receive an email confirmation and thank you letter after submitting your gift.
If you have questions or specific gift instructions,
contact the diocesan Stewardship and Development office at (512) 949-2400.