Priests for Life is the leading religious case against the HHS Mandate. The court date is May 8. Let us know you stand with us!
On Thursday, May 8, the first oral arguments on the appellate level on the merits of a case for religious non-profit groups against the HHS Mandate will be heard. Just as the recent Hobby Lobby case was heard at the Supreme Court, representing the arguments of businesses against the mandate, so now the case of Priests for Life will be heard, representing the arguments of religious non-profit organizations agains the mandate.
On May 8, the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia circuit is hearing the Priests for Life case and, in addition to it, that of the Archdiocese of Washington D.C. (whose case also includes as plaintiffs The Catholic University of America, Thomas Aquinas College, and several other entities). The two cases were consolidated by the Court and Priests for Life is the lead party.
As Robert Muise, Senior Counsel for the American Freedom Law Center (, has stated, "This case with Priests for Life is the lead case for the non-profit religious organizations challenging the mandate similar to how Hobby Lobby is the lead case for the for-profit companies challenging the HHS Mandate."