November 21, 2010 - Feast of Christ the King
Today we will be taking up a special collection after communion for The Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Please be as generous as you can.
With Advent starting up, please take a few minutes a day, maybe five minutes, and use Five Minutes with The Word to grow closer to the Lord before Christmas. Spending just a few minutes a day reading Five Minutes with The Word magazine will dramatically change your experience during Advent from one of commercialization to spiritual openness. Copies are provided by the parish and are located at church exits. Please pick one up for your family and start a new Christmas tradition!
Lectors, please pick up your Lector Workbooks for the new year, which begins the first Sunday of Advent, November 29. The workbooks are located in the Front Vestry of the Church and are labeled with each lector’s name.
Advent Penance Service will be on Monday, November 29th at 7:00 p.m.We will have additional priests available for private confessions.
The schedule for Thanksgiving Masses and other important dates and activities are in this week’s bulletin. Please take one home.
St. Mary’s now has an up-to-date website which includes all the dates and times of activities, information on parish ministries as well as the weekly bulletin and numerous articles about our Catholic Faith. The website address is on the front of the bulletin. Thank you to Fr. Joe for all the work he has done to create this beautiful website. Please check it out.