The annual presentation of the Christmas Pageant by the youth of St. Mary’s Parish will be this Sunday, December 16 at 9:30 a.m. in the Church. Everyone is invited to attend.
The Men’s Club is taking orders for Poinsettias to be used at the altar during the Christmas Season. The poinsettias are in memory or honor of loved ones. Order envelopes are at each entrance of the church. Orders are due to the church office prior to December 20th.
The Youth Group is taking orders for Angels in memory or honor of a loved one to be used on the trees at Christmas. You can purchase your Christmas Angel from one of the youth group members in the foyer of the church.
Calendars for 2013 are available at each entrance of the church. Please take only one per family.
There is a table at each entrance of the church with Catholic Literature that is free of charge. We encourage each family to check out this information and take some home with you.
CHANGE from the bulletin: The New Year’s Eve Vigil Mass will be at 5:15 p.m. not 7:00 p.m.