Now entering its third week, our Sharing Our Faith… As a ParishCommunity campaign continues to be well received by our parish family. At St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church we realize that everyone’s financial situation is different. All that is asked is that you consider the graces that God has bestowed on you and your loved ones. The decision you make will be between you and God, and through prayer and reflection, you will come to a meaningful response. If we act together as members of one family united in Christ’s love, we can do great things!
During Lent there will be an additional Mass each Wednesday and Friday at 12:10 p.m. in the Chapel.
Stations of the Cross will be at 7:00 p.m. each Friday during Lent.
40 Days for Life
We are looking for people who are willing to stand in prayer for one hour per week in the public right of way at Planned Parenthood. Forms are available from Fr. Joe.
Festival Raffle Tickets are now available in the foyer of the church. Please pick up some to buy and also to sell.
The Women’s Guild will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 19th in the Parish Hall at 10:00 a.m. for a program, meeting and refreshments. All women of the parish are invited to attend.
The Men’s Club will be having their monthly breakfast of pancakes, bacon and sausage next Sunday, Feb. 24 beginning at 8:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Support the Men’s Club and enjoy a delicious breakfast.
Each family is invited to pick up a Lenten container and put in some coins each day during Lent. The Ashes to Easter boxes are at each entrance of the church. Please take one home today.