Attention all 7 – 12 grade students and their parents: This Wednesday, December 10
THRIVE with Chris Stefanick will be at St. Louis Church from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. This event is
free and parents are welcome to attend. All students in these grades are
URGED to attend.
Donations of nonperishable food and household items as well as gift cards are needed for parish families for Christmas. Please bring to church or to the Parish Office prior to December 17
th. Please be as generous as you can.
The Angel Tree is now up in the foyer of the Church. If your family needs assistance with Christmas Gifts, or you know of a parish family that needs assistance for Christmas, please call the church office. Parishioners can take an ornament off the tree if they wish to purchase that item. Keep the ornament tag to put on the gift when you bring it to the rectory. All gifts will need to be brought to the rectory prior to December 17
Monday, December 8th is the
Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation, Masses are at 12:10 in the church and 5:15p.m. in the chapel. Mass attendance
is mandatory on this date.
A very special event will take place in our parish on
Monday, December 8th (Tomorrow) at 6:30 p.m.
“Lesson and Carols” presented by the St. Mary’s Choir under the direction of Michael Groff will present a program of readings from both the Old and New Testaments and Seasonal Carols. Everyone is invited to attend the program and also the reception that follows in the Parish Hall.
The monthly Pot Luck Supper will be this Thursday, December 11
th at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Bring a dish to share and join us.
The 7th and 8th grade students are selling Christmas Angels in honor or memory of a loved one in the Foyer of the Church.
The Men’s Club is taking orders for Christmas Poinsettias in honor or memory of loved ones. Order envelopes are at each entrance of the church in the Media Centers. Please return the orders by Dec. 19
We have two very good
Advent Devotion and Meditation booklets available to you at
nocost. They are in each of the Media Centers. Please take one home today and use it to increase your prayer life during Advent.
The 2015 calendars are now available at each entrance to the church. Please take
only one per
The Women’s Guild will have a no-host
Christmas Luncheon on Dec. 16
th at Olive Garden. Reservations are required. Please call Dorothy Maggard by Dec. 12th if you plan to attend.
Next weekend we will take up a special collection for the
Retirement Fund for Religious. Please be as generous as you can.