The EIM Refresher Workshop scheduled for Feb. 23rd has been rescheduled for Monday, March 9th at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
The second organizational meeting for all interested in helping with the father/daughter, mother/son, grandparent/grandchild event will be on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 in the Conference Room. Everyone interested in making this event a success is urged to attend this meeting.
The Seder Meal, a Passover Celebration will be at 6:30 p.m. this Thursday followed by a Potluck Supper in the Parish Hall. Everyone is invited to attend. If you are able to help in preparation for the Seder, come to the Parish Hall at 4:30 p.m.
Each Wednesday and Friday during Lent we will have a 12:10 p.m. Mass in the Chapel in addition to the 5:15 p.m. Mass. Stations of the Cross will be at 7:00 p.m. each Friday Evening.
Knights of Columbus, Council 1358 will hold its annual Friday Night Fish Fry each Friday during Lent from now to March 27, 2015. Meals will be served from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the K of C Hall on Sanger & Richland. The proceeds are used for Scholarships for High School students
Two (2) $500 Scholarships from the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus are available for graduating Catholic seniors. Applications are available in the church office. Additional information is in the bulletin.
Ashes to Easter Boxes are at each entrance to the Church. During Lent please make a donation to your box and return the box to Church on Easter.
Holy Thursday is April 2, 2015 and we need volunteers to have their feet washed just as the apostles did. The sign-up sheet is in the foyer of the church.
Envelopes for purchasing Easter Lilies to decorate the altar during Easter in honor or memory of a loved one are at each entrance of the Church.
St. Mary’s Festival will be on Sunday April 26, 2015. Raffle tickets are on sale in the foyer of the church. Please stop by after Mass and pick up a pack of tickets to sell or to purchase. There is also a need for financial contributions as well as donations for the audible and silent auctions, county store, crafts and white elephant. If you have any questions, please call the church office.
Next Weekend we will take up a Special Collection for Catholic Relief Services. Please be as generous as you can.