Please take time to look at the Pro-Life display in the foyer of the church; this is the last weekend for the display. There is a lot of informative literature, please take some home to read. If you did not return your Baby Bank today, please do so next weekend.
The annual diocesan Catholic Services Appeal will be conducted next weekend in our parish. Please prayerfully consider what you can pledge to support the educational, spiritual and outreach services offered by our diocese which serve people in ways that we as an individual parish could never do. Our parish goal is 100% participation and with your gift we can reach it. You should have received a letter and pledge card from Bishop Joe Vasquez. If you have not mailed in the card, please bring it with you next weekend when you come to Mass and place it in the collection.
On Monday, November 2, 2015, All Souls Day, we will have a Rosary and Blessing of the graves at Holy Cross Cemetery at 2:00 p.m. Followed by Blessing at Oak Wood Cemetery.
All Souls Day Mass will be at 5:15 p.m. instead of a Communion Service.
If your family is in need of a Basket of food for Thanksgiving, or you know of a parish family that is in need, please call the church office.
Bulletin Correction: Bridges to Faith meets on Wednesday’s from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. not a.m.
St. John’s Catholic Church will have A Turkey Bingo on Saturday, Saturday November 14th from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. sponsored by Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Aux Court 385. Everyone is invited to attend.