The Women’s Bible Study Group will meet on Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in the Conference Room.
The Annual Contribution Statements are now available in the church office. If you would like to have yours mailed to you, please call the church office.
Ash Wednesday is February 10th. Masses will be at 12:10, 5:15 and 7:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday is a day of Fast and Abstinence. During Lent we will have additional Masses each Wednesday and Friday at 12:10 p.m. There will be a Special Collection on Ash Wednesday for World and Home Missions. Please be as generous as you can.
The Primetimers will be having a Pot Luck Supper and Game Night on Sunday, February 14 beginning at 5:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Bring a dish to share and also a game if you wish.
St. Mary’s Annual Festival will be on Sunday, April 24th. Raffle tickets are on sale in the foyer of the church. Please pick up tickets to sell or to buy after Mass today. For additional information, please call the church office.
Lent meditation booklets are now available at all entrances to the church.
St. Mary’s Parish is now participating in e-giving. Information is available on St. Mary’s web-site. More information will be in the bulletin next week.
Fr. Joe:
Commissioning of Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: For those who attended the Work shop last Saturday.