St. Mary’s Festival will be next weekend at Geneva Hall. We still need helpers for the youth activities. Also needed are auction items, items for the country store and garden shop. Any donations can be brought to the church office before Friday. Also needed are cakes and pies for the desserts with the meal; these need to be brought to Geneva Hall on the day of the Festival.
We will have boxes at each entry of the church for donations to the Country Store Booth this weekend. Please be as generous as you can. We will also accept donations this coming week at the Church Office.
IHOP Fundraiser for St. Mary’s Parish: On Monday, April 25, 2016 (the day after the festival) I HOP Restaurant on the corner of New Road and I-35 will donate 20% of all purchases directly to St. Mary’s Church between 4:00 – 10:00 p.m. Let your server know you are there in support of St. Mary’s Church.
The Women’s Guild will meet on Tuesday at 10:00 in the Parish Hall. All women are invited to attend.
The crowing of Mary, Our Blessed Mother, will be on Sunday, May 1st at 10:15 in the Church. Please bring flowers with long stems so they can be easily watered. All parishioners are invited to participate along with the children.
Mother’s Day is May 8th. Mother’s Day Mass request cards are at each entrance of the church.