The Men’s Club will have their monthly breakfast this Sunday, September 24th in the Parish Hall after the 8:00 a.m. Mass. You can even get your breakfast in the hall and take it with you to Adult Religious Education Class in the Annex.
St. Mary’s Women’s Guild is collecting its Annual Dues for 2017-2018. Dues are $5.00 per year. Envelopes for dues are at each entrance to the church.
The Women’s Bible Study Group will meet on Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in the Conference Room.
Your help is needed! Please consider being a chairperson or co-chairperson for the 2018 Annual Parish Festival. Planning for the 2018 Festival will begin soon. Raffle ticket sales will start in January. The past co-chairmen will help you to learn the procedures and enjoy the festival. Please talk to Fr. Joe or the parish staff.
This weekend we have a larger bulletin than normal. There are a lot of activities in our Parish and in our Community. Please take a bulletin home to refer to it for dates and times of activities.
Parish Champions, Reese Flood or Bob Otis, are in the back of the church distributing the new CD by Matthew Kelly “Don’t Just Try – Train” you can pick yours up in the foyer of the church after Mass.