The Men’s Club is taking orders for poinsettias to be place at the altar during Christmas in memory or honor of loved ones. Envelopes are at each entrance of the church. Please order your poinsettias on or before Dec. 18th.
The Women’s Guild will have their Christmas Luncheon on Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 11:00 at 1424 Restaurant.
If you are purchasing a gift for the Caring Tree Project, please bring the items to the Rectory by December 15.
Donation Box: : Just a reminder that all the food and household items you donate until December 18th to the box in the foyer will be used for parish families. Please be as generous as you can.
Catholic Charities of Central Texas has moved to our parish. They are located in the Annex behind the Rectory. This week their staff will be available on Thursday, December 15th from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.