Divine Mercy Mass, Novena and Benediction will be at 3:00 p.m. this Sunday.
Just a reminder, the Parish Festival is next Sunday, April 22 at Geneva Hall. Please continue to sell your raffle tickets. Items for the festival can be dropped off at the parish office. We need everyone’s help to make this Festival a success. Please attend and support our parish. Also, please help with one or more of the areas of the Festival. There is something everyone can do!
Baptismal Preparation Class for parents and god parents will be on Thursday, April 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room. If you are planning a Baptism soon, call the church office and register for this class.
The Knights of Columbus is leading a program to raise funds for a new Ultrasound machine for Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas. The Central Texas Knights must raise $24,250 to be matched by the K of C Supreme Council for the ultrasound equipment. Currently, Care Net Waco has one ultrasound machine credited with saving 9 out of 10 babies in unplanned pregnancies. It is estimated that a second ultrasound machine would save twice as many lives. The Knights from Central Texas are united in their effort to raise the funds necessary to get a second ultrasound machine for Car Net Waco. Additional information and a support form are located at each entrance of the church – near the missalettes. Please take one home and consider helping this worthwhile case.