Please help support St. Mary’s by buying and selling raffle tickets. They are available to buy and sell after all weekend Masses and at the Church Office. The raffle drawing will be on Sunday, September 27 after the 10:30 Mass; the drawing will be live-streamed and held at the Parish Hall.
5:15 & 8:00 Masses -- Join the Fifth Encounter Group as it prays the Rosary on Sunday, August 16 at 10 a.m. at the Grotto.
Anyone wanting more information about the Catholic Church, wanting to join the Church, and members wanting to strengthen their knowledge and faith are invited to the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) classes that begin on Wednesday, August 19 at 6:30 P.M. in the Conference Room
Please complete the Parish Census on the Parish website. If you do not have computer access, please contact the Church Office.
Baptismal Preparation Class for parents and godparents will be on Thursday, August 20 at 6:30 in the Conference Room. Please contact the Church Office to register for this class.
If you want a copy of the 150th Anniversary Memory Book (1 per family), they are available in the Church Office. If you need a copy mailed to you, the cost is $5.
Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) compliance is required of ALL who serve in ANY of the Church’s ministries, such as ushers, lectors, CCE teachers and aides, etc. You must fill out an EIM application online and attend an EIM workshop at least once every 3 years. If you have not participated in an EIM workshop or your compliance has lapsed, there is an EIM Workshop on Saturday, August 29 at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall. For those who need a refresher course, please take the course online. If you need more information, contact the Church Office.
The shortage in the July Collections report in the bulletin is obviously an error. The shortage is $5,425.