Weekend April 14-15, 2018
St. Mary’s Parish Festival will be next Sunday, April 22 at Geneva Hall in Elm Mott. Please see the insert in this week’s bulletin about the Festival and items that are needed. Let’s make this year’s Festival a great success with participation of all parish families. Please get some raffle tickets to buy and sell. Women of the Parish, please bring 2 desserts to the Festival. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed for all activities.
The Women’s Guild will meet on Tuesday, April 17 at 10 A.M. in the Parish Hall with lunch following. All women of the Parish are invited.
The Liturgy Committee meets at 6:30 P.M. in the Annex Meeting Room on Tuesday, April 17.
Baptismal Preparation Class for parents and godparents will be at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room on Thursday, April 19. Call the Church Office to sign up for the classes.
The RED-C Catholic Radio Benefit Dinner with noted Catholic author and speaker Patrick Madrid will be from 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. on Thursday, April 19 at Sacred Heart in Waco. Please see the bulletin for additional information.
There will be a Special Collection next Sunday, April 22, for Seminarians and Priest Education and Formation. Please be as generous as possible.