The deadline to buy and turn in raffle tickets is 12 noon on Sunday. Make sure your contact information is on the raffle stubs.
Group pictures immediately after the 10:30 Mass followed by the raffle drawing. The raffle drawing will be in the parish hall. Refreshments provided. Donations are welcome.
Don’t forget to pick up your Baby Bank after Mass today! They are at all church entrances. Remember those families that need help during or after an unplanned pregnancy. Your donation will help pro-life efforts in our parish and throughout the diocese.
The October edition of The Word Among Us is at all church entrances; one per family, please.
Lector Workbooks and Children’s Liturgy of the Word books are in the vestry. Please collect your copy.
The Madonna Group will meet at 5 p.m. in the Parish Hall for a pot-luck supper.
RCIA will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room on Wednesday, September 29.
Confirmation Year 1 meets at 6:30 p.m. in the Annex on Wednesday, September 29.
First Friday Adoration will be from 8 to 5 on Friday, October 1 in the chapel.
40 Days for Life returns Wednesday 22 through October 31. Volunteer to come pray in the public right of way outside of Planned Parenthood on Highway 6. Prayer hours are 7 am to 7 pm every day. For information sign up through the parish website.
St. Jerome’s Fall Festival is Saturday, October 2 from 12 noon to 8:30.
Mission Appeal Second Collection for the Sisters of Divine Providence Saturday and Sunday, October 2 & 3. Please be as generous as possible.
Parish Council meets at 12 noon on Sunday, October 3 in the Conference Room.
You can schedule family and individual pictures through the parish website or ask someone at the table in the foyer to help you.
We are so glad you attended Mass with us. We hope to see you again next week to share in our faith community and Eucharistic celebration; bring a friend with you.