Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration will be after the 10:30 Mass this Sunday.
The Fifth Encounter meets this Tuesday, December 11 at 6:30 A.M. in the Conference Room.
The Parish Pot Luck Supper will be at 6:30 P.M. in the Parish Hall on Thursday, December 13.
Join the Fifth Encounter Group in praying the Rosary in the Grotto at 10:00 A.M. next Sunday, December 16.
The Choir is hosting a Christmas Party, Pot Luck Lunch and Carol Sing-Along next Sunday, December 16 after the 10:30 Mass. Please bring a dish to share in good food, fellowship, and the Christmas season.
The Angel Tree is in the foyer of the Church. There is an ornament indicating a gift for parishioner children and those at the Waco Family Abuse Center. See the bulletin for more information.
There are envelopes for ordering poinsettias, several Advent booklets, and the 2019 calendars at all Church entrances.
Come by the Parish Gift Shop to purchase Advent and Christmas articles that are for sale.