The Festival Committee meeting is at 6:00 P.M. in the Annex Meeting Room on Tuesday, May 7.
Mother’s Day Mass request cards are due in the Church Office by Thursday, May 9. Mother’s Day is next weekend.
The Parish Pot Luck Supper will be at 6:30 P.M. on Thursday, May 9. Bring a dish to share in fellowship.
Attention All Graduating Seniors: Please contact the Church Office and tell us your name and school.
Boxes for the Country Store are at the doors of the Church this weekend and next. Please bring your donations to the Church Office if you forget to bring them next weekend.
Get your Spring Festival Raffle tickets before and after all Masses in the foyer of the Church. The Festival is on Sunday, May 19th. Much help is needed for the Festival. Please help us make our Festival a success and volunteer your time. See the insert about needed items for the different booths.
Next weekend (May 11 & 12) all parishes in the Diocese of Austin are to take up a special collection for Seminarians and Priest Education and Formation. Please be as generous as possible.