Throughout history, God has spoken to man. He spoke through Abraham, Moses and the prophets. God’s Word became flesh in Jesus, and he continues to speak to us today through Scripture and the Tradition of the Church. God also speaks to each person through his or her vocation in life.
Each person has a vocational calling. A person’s vocation is the way in which he or she grows in holiness through service of God. Some people are called to marriage while others are called to the priesthood or religious life. Some people serve God in their single state of life. Regardless of a person’s vocational calling, all of the faithful are called to serve God in charity and faithfulness.
In his apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in America, Pope John Paul II said: “The word of God, faithfully read in the family, gradually builds it up as a domestic church and makes it fruitful in human and Christian virtues; it is there that the source of vocations is to be found.”
By remaining close to God’s word in the Scriptures, families are able help each other discern God’s voice in their own lives. In this way, families can support and nurture the vocation of its members as they help each other lead holy lives.
What is a way that your family can share the Scriptures with each other? How can you support each family member’s vocation?