Baby Banks, November 1st - All Saint's Day Masses, All Soul's Day blessing at cemeteries, Catholic Services Appeal, Bulletin advertising, Altar Server Workshop, Lector and Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Workshop, Daylight Savings Time Ends on November 6
All Saints' Day; Men's Club Breakfast this Sunday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass; Baby Banks - contribute now, return to church next weekend; Annual Catholic Services Appeal in two weeks; Baptismal Preparation Class this Thursday.
Respect Life Month, Baby Banks, Women's Guild Meeting, Festival Committee meeting, Special Collection for World Missions next weekend, Men's Club Breakfast next Sunday, Nonerishible food items are needed for Caritas of Waco.
October is Respect Life Month; pray for an end to abortion; Inserts: New Roman Missal; St. Mary's Festival; monthly potluck supper; public square rosary; Women's Guild; Otis Ceska.
While we don't like to discuss it, all of us will pass from this life to eternal life. Understanding Church teaching and planning for our final days can be a service to us and to our loved ones. This workshop will explore many issues that can be of help to you.
October is Pro-Life Month: Baby Bank Collection and Prayers for End to Abortion, Parish Council Meeting, Parish Garage Sale next weekend, Donations for raffle prizes needed for festival of 2012, information on new Mass setting