The annual diocesan Catholic Services Appeal will be conducted next weekend in our parish. Please prayerfully consider what you can pledge to support the educational, spiritual and outreach services offered by our diocese which serve people in ways that we as an individual parish could never do. Our parish goal is 100% participation and with your gift we can reach it. You should have received a letter and pledge card from Bishop Joe Vásquez. If you have not mailed in the card, please bring it with you next Sunday when you come to Mass and place it in the collection.
This Sunday - Men's Club Breakfast, Annual Garage sale Nov. 1st and 2nd, Hamburger luncheon, Nov. 2nd, Raffle drawing on Nov. 2nd. Baby Banks, All Souls day Mass Intention envelopes are due by Oct. 30th. Parish Religious Education Week is Nov. 3rd - 9th. CSA Commitment Weekend will be next weekend.
December 1, 2013 - St. Mary's Catholic Church, 1401 Washington Ave., Waco, Texas. Jason P. Francis performs in a classical Advent concert with special guests George Hogan & Penny Hogan.
Annual Garage Sale and Hamburger Lunch information, Raffle tickets on sale, Respect Life Month, All Soul's Envelopes, Baptismal Preparation Class, Men's Club Breakfast next Sunday, Prime Timers trip to Cameron on October 27th.
The annual diocesan Catholic Services Appeal, which supports the work of the Catholic Church in Central Texas, will be taken up in two weeks. The Catholic Services Appeal is not just another Sunday collection. It is a unified effort in which all Catholics in the Diocese of Austin join together to further the mission and ministry of the Catholic Church in Central Texas. Catholics in the Diocese of Austin will soon receive a letter, brochure and pledge card from Bishop Joe Vásquez. Please take time to prayerfully consider what you are able to give in support of our diocesan Church.
Sunday, October 20, 2013 is World Mission Sunday. A special collection will be taken up for the Pontifical Society of Propagation of the Faith. This collection is taken up during October every year so that Catholics everywhere can recognize their common responsibility to evangelize the world. Share the love of Christ with the world – please pray and be as generous as you can.
Festival Committee Meeting on Monday, Women's Guild Meeting on Tuesday, Annual Garage Sale Nov. 1st and 2nd, Raffle for Turkey Fryer, propane tank and Turkey, October is Respect Life Month, Special Collection next weekend for World Missions.
Women's Guild Dues will be collected this weekend, Women's Bible Study this Wednesday, Potluck Supper this Thursday, Annual Garage Sale information, Raffle for Turkey Fryer, etc., Public square Rosary next Saturday, October is Respect Life Month.