The exclusive interview with Pope Francis. English translation from "America" Magazine. “We need to proclaim the Gospel on every street corner," the Pope said, "preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing, even with our preaching, every kind of disease and wound.”
Men's Club Breakfast this Sunday after the 8 a.m. Mass, Women's Bible Study starts this Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Baptismal Preparation Class this Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room.
The Religious Education Programs for children and adults will begin this Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Pot Luck supper will be this Thursday, National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children will be next Saturday.
Our Holy Father Pope Francis has declared Saturday, September 7, 2013, as a Day of Fasting and Prayer for Peace in Syria, the Middle East, and throughout the world. It is the fervent desire of His Holiness that the entire Church be united on that day in prayer and fasting, asking God for the gift of peace. I encourage all of the people of the Diocese of Austin to respond to this call to prayer and fasting in whatever way is possible for them. (For more, click on title.)
Beginning September 8, 2013 at 9:00 am and continuing every Sunday. At St. Mary's Catholic Church in Waco, Texas, Discover the first 500 years of Church history!
RCIA begins on Wednesday, Sept. 4th, Religious Education Classes begin on Sept. 8th, Children's Liturgy of the Word begins on Sept. 8th, Religious Education teacher and aide meeting will be on Wednesday, Sept. 4th.