Parish Festival THIS Sunday, please come. Divine Mercy Sunday at 2:00 p.m., Mother's Day Masses, No Religion Classes this weekend, May Crowning next Sunday, please bring flowers for Mary. The Church Office and Gift Shop will be closed on Monday, April 28th.
Healing Mass & Anointing of the Sick will be Monday at 2 p.m., Women's Bible Study at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, Baptismal Preparation on Thursday at 6:30 p.m., Liturgy Committee on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Parish Festival next Sunday, April 27th at Geneva Hall, Divine Mercy Sunday, April 27th, Mass at 2 p.m., Special Collection for Seminarians and Pries Education and Formation next weekend, Return your Ashes to Easter Boxes, Mother's Day Mass Request Cards are now available, Sunday, May 4th, May Crowning at 9:30 a.m. Suggestion Box located in the foyer of the church.
At noon on April 27, our church will ring its bell to celebrate the canonization of Blessed Popes John Paul II and John XXIII. Please click on title to learn how you can join in.
If you know the name of any one buried at Holy Cross Cemetery that at some time served in any branch of the military, please call Billie Brem at 254-857-4993. Plans are to place the American Flag on all such burials on Memorial Day and other appropriate dates. Thank you.
Suggestion Box in foyer of church, Last weekend to order Easter Lilies, Ashes to Easter boxes, Women's Guild will meet on Tuesday, Parish Festival is on April 27th - much help is needed, Get your Raffle Tickets, Schedule for Holy Week is in the bulletin and on the website, Divine Mercy Novena starts on Good Friday, Special Collection of Holy Land on Good Friday, Ladies of Charity Healing Mass on April 21st, Confessions on April 26th will be from 2 - 5 p.m., May Crowning on May 4th.
Our parish will support Christians in the Holy Land through the Good Friday Collection. Please support our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land by giving to this special collection. The pontifical collection allows for care of Christianity?s holiest sites and for God?s people living in the Holy Land. Please Be Generous in Your Support!
Seder Meal and Potluck Supper this Thursday, Easter Lilies, Ashes to Easter Boxes, Women's Bible Study to meet on Wednesday, White Elephant Collection on April 11th, Live and Silent Auction items are needed, Volunteers needed for Holy Thursday, Sell Raffle Tickets.